Thursday, December 31, 2009

My Little Reflection

Another year.... almost over.
Another decade...almost over.
Tonight, a full blue moon will see out 2009 and welcome 2010.
The year of the Tiger. My Chinese zodiac sign.

Reflecting on 2009, on a personal level; the hardest thing this past year was watching my grandfather pass away. The easiest thing, was telling those important to me that I love them.

The smartest decision I made this year was to stop working nights.

The craziest decision, was to buy a house.

Consequently, I am happy with both.

My main regret, (and perhaps only one for this year), is not having produced enough art this year. (The two aforementioned decisions had a bit to do with this I suppose). However, I am very happy with the path my new ideas and work are taking, and grateful that I now have a proper studio to work in.

My head, of course, is much busier than this blog entry; unvoiced resolutions dance around threatening to leave me disappointed (in myself), so I keep them there. Pressure does not nurture positive actions.

Positive thinking, however, does. So I welcome 2010 with open arms... and an open mind!

Monday, December 14, 2009

On The Road... Again.

Food and Desire - Conflict 1 (above) has been selected for and is now hanging in the Prospect Portrait Prize in South Australia's Prospect Gallery.

It can be voted for it in the People's Choice Award here.

This piece was also recently a finalist in the 2009 Corangamarah Art Prize, and also, as previously posted, in the 2008 Kilgour Art Prize.

This piece is part of a body of work titled 'Food and Desire', and to me, these works tell more than just the story of my personal battle of wills. Each piece in the series explores the conflicting interests between the somewhat mundane necessity and creative passion, ( also a necessity), and how one must feed the other, as well as the frustration along the way - the 'fight' to create.

This piece visually narrates the conflict of my everyday world and the means in which I need to meet to be able to paint, as well as the NEED to paint. It also explores the mysteries and emotions of the, (my), two personas involved in this ongoing conflict.

Tuesday, December 08, 2009


Just a few recent shots from the studio.
A little stagnant of late but after the ebb
...comes the flow.