Another year.... almost over.
Another decade...almost over.
Tonight, a full blue moon will see out 2009 and welcome 2010.
The year of the Tiger. My Chinese zodiac sign.
Reflecting on 2009, on a personal level; the hardest thing this past year was watching my grandfather pass away. The easiest thing, was telling those important to me that I love them.
The smartest decision I made this year was to stop working nights.
The craziest decision, was to buy a house.
Consequently, I am happy with both.
My main regret, (and perhaps only one for this year), is not having produced enough art this year. (The two aforementioned decisions had a bit to do with this I suppose). However, I am very happy with the path my new ideas and work are taking, and grateful that I now have a proper studio to work in.

My head, of course, is much busier than this blog entry; unvoiced resolutions dance around threatening to leave me disappointed (in myself), so I keep them there. Pressure does not nurture positive actions.
Positive thinking, however, does. So I welcome 2010 with open arms... and an open mind!