Sunday, August 22, 2010

Art for a Cause.

Several months ago, I was invited to participate in a Screamdance project titled Schaffas 2.

Adelaideans Sam Barratt & Chris Edser (Screamdance), hand-picked art-friends from all over the world to customize their own breed of schaffas. They were each sent a similar blank shape and given free reign to add, subtract, paint or destroy these objects.

I received my blank Schaffas sometime in January. I contemplated for a number of months as it sat on a bench next to Matryoshka and Kokeshi dolls in my studio.

It looked like this.

After a lot of time spent staring at this naked wooden creature, Shinjuku Schaffas-San was born.

Unfortunately, I did not make it to Adelaide for the great unveiling of the Schaffas 2 creations, however, they were all made available for viewing online here.

I am happy to say that Shinjuku Schaffas-San found herself a new home, and all proceeds from the sale of the Schaffas went to a wonderful Oxfam cause: Close the Gap.

Thank you to Sam and Chris for organising such a fun event for a great cause.

Schaffas 2, the book, can be purchased from the Screamdance website.