Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Please Explain

I just got back from a brisk walk though the tiny streets of my area.

I have been inside painting all day as it has been raining outside since early this morning. I needed to stretch my legs and thought I'd go for a walk to my favourite 100yen store to buy some embroidery thread for my work.

Whilst there, I wandered through the store curiously exploring, as I always do, and every time I discover something new...often useless, but usually good for a laugh. Today was no exception. As I walked through the kids toy section, I found something most bizarre. And whilst it has nothing to do with art, I thought it to be deserving of not only a purchase, but also photographic presence on my blog.

The only English to be found on the packet reads: inflatable wild swan.

Now the picture of the manga-esque girl in her ballet outfit I can understand. The man, however, I am having a little bit of trouble with...remembering that this was in the kids section.

Very odd.

1 comment:

Karyn said...

That's hilarious!!!

Monty was asked to comment and simply stared at the picture and after a moment of opened-mouthed observation he offered "I don't want those toys"...

Ha!! Neither do I!

LOve, Karyn xx