Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Blah,Blah, Blah

I'm blogging purely for blogging's sake tonight. I have nothing of any great substance to write about - not that any of my other posts carry any 'substantial' amount of substance... (tautology)...
I am known for my rambling... I am annoyed with myself for ignoring my blog... for being cautious and somewhat hesitant to write because I am becoming more and more conscious of the fact that EVERYTHING online is so publicly 'available' and 'viewable' to EVERYONE if not set on 'private'.... and I REFUSE to privatize my blog for the sheer fact that regardless of how 'annoyed' I get with myself, I am not ASHAMED of what I write or feel... My stubborn ways are creating a catch 22 in my blogging world.

I wish I had more art 'stuff' to write about but, just like with my writing, I've not been prolific enough with my creation of any sort of art...

Sometimes I look back to when I wrote A LOT, and wonder whether I was happier or 'unhappier' than I am now... it's usually one extreme or the other that inspires such prolific rambling... or maybe alcohol plays a part... so let's not mention that I have consumed a substantial amount of sake and gin this evening... and pardon the pun, I am in good spirits...

So before I go off the rails with spewing semantics, let's get back to the art side of things...

I recently completed my customized ukelele for PIMP MY M.U.F - see pics below...

I've also been really into my micron pens of late, and have rekindled my romance with a more illustrative style of art/drawing.

Here's two works in progress...

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